In the past 24 hours, we have recorded 643 new confirmed cases of covid-19 out of a total of 199,016 tests done, bringing us to a total of 34,259 persons so far confirmed positive, of which 13,999 have been successfully treated and discharged. We have regrettably recorded 760 fatalities, mostly with co-morbidities, and a total fatality rate of 2.21%. As the numbers continue to rise in this phase of community transmission, Nigeria, like many other countries has hardly any other tool left, than to focus on the value of non-pharmaceutical measures for prevention. Studies in many countries have confirmed the effectiveness of wearing masks in reducing the risk of covid transmission, since it provides mutual protection to all wearers. It is therefore still important, for us not to give up, but all continue to practice these measures, especially using facemasks, physical distancing and imbibing social courtesies like not sneezing or coughing into open space, but into a tissue, especially with people around.
2. The stated aim of the Federal Ministry of Health, once again, is to reduce fatalities by ensuring that those citizens defined as vulnerable to covid-19 are offered protection by prioritizing them for advice on non-pharmaceutical measures like staying home, except for essential activities outside the home, and in such cases, wearing and retaining a mask and avoiding gatherings of persons. Going to places of worship should be if their condition permits and the prescribed arrangements have been made, else to pray at home. The vulnerable will also be prioritized for admission to observation or treatment centers, even if they do not yet have symptoms. In this regard, it does not help for anyone to continue to deny the presence of COVID-19 in our communities, or to test its virulence by engaging in risky behavior. The consequences can be dire.
3. Countries in the world, including even the most liberal in Europe, are now making masks mandatory for people who use public transport and even outdoors, and they are imposing a fine for non-compliance. We urge all shops, businesses, service centers and places authorized to open to the public, to require that their customers and visitors use masks and adhere to these simple measures or else be denied entry. It is also important to state for clarity: 1. that masks must cover the mouth and nose 2. that a mask pushed under the chin is not effective and should not be under the chin for any reason, 3. that we need the mask most, when we are speaking, and it should therefore not be removed to speak, 4. that wearing a face shield alone has not been proven to offer the same protection as a mask and should either be combined with a mask or totally left to healthcare providers, for whom they were actually intended.
4. The covid-19 pandemic underscores the fact of the close relationship between national security and health. I was thus invited, as Minister of Health, to address participants of the 13th course of the Nigeria Institute of Security Studies (NISS) on how prepared Nigeria was for the COVID-19 pandemic. The address was well received and the ensuing interaction was useful for mutual understanding. Among the facts shared was that Nigeria was recognized as one of the first globally to initiate coronavirus response by activating a containment strategy and, on transition to the community transmission phase, building on its National Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan and National Strategic Health Development Plan, to develop its National covid-19 Response Action Plan. The collaboration among sectors of governments and also with the governed, is an essential prerequisite for tackling the pandemic.
5. The impact of covid-19 outbreak and collaboration among ECOWAS nations, of which H.E President Buhari is the COVID-19 champion, was the subject of the 2nd conference of ECOWAS Health Ministers of the Ministerial Coordination Committee held under the Chairmandhip of the Nigerian Minister of Health. It took place by video conference on July 14th, 2020. Sub-regional strategies were reviewed and the need stressed to improve on the low level of testing and bed spaces, with a resolve to strengthen our test, trace and treatment strategy. I shall close by, as usual, reminding all listeners that covid19 must not be trivialized and that all citizens must care for themselves, their families and each other. There is presently no room for parties and unnecessary travel; these will have to wait till further notice.
6. Thank you for your attention.